On the morning of Wednesday, August 24, 1977 a meeting was held at Ogrod Saski in downtown Warsaw. This was held for the dedication of the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the nation of Poland. President Spencer W. Kimball with Sister Kimball along with Brother and Sister David M. Kennedy in front of the tomb of the unknown soldier at the Saski Park square.

Present were: President and Sister Spencer W. Kimball, Brother and Sister David M. Kennedy, D. Arthur Haycock, Dr. Ernest L. Wilkinson, Brother and Sister Matthew Ciembronowicz and their son, Adam, Brother and Sister Fryderyk Czerwinski, Brother and Sister Walter Krause, Sister Lona Czerwinska and daugther, Mona. All were standing on the north side of the fountain.

We had just dropped off our missionaries at the airport. We drove straight to this wonderful and sacred spot in Warsaw. It was still early, peaceful and quiet. It was one of those very special days and occasions. From the dedicatory prayer: "We congregate before thee in this special park... and are grateful for this beautiful land with its thousands of lakes, its numerous rivers, its quiet forests, its fertile farm lands, and its rich natural resources".

The park was empty, there were no sounds of the city. I don't know if we have had a more peaceful day in Warsaw or in Poland. "We are aware of the contributions made by Polish emigrants to other lands. We have been touched by the love shown by these emigrants for their relatives and friends in the Mother land. Our hearts are touched and we covenant with thee that we will use this place to encourage a love for thee and thy ways... our desire to be associated with this land is to create love for thee and to cause thy people of this nation to love their fathers and their leaders and love their land and to live honorable, righteous lives". (Dedicatory Prayer)

We walked and looked at this beautiful park. We thought of the promises given to this great country and these marvelous people. "we ask thee...sanctify this land with great leadership and great opportunities for the people who have suffered so much. We are grateful to thee for these good people and their good leaders who granted to us the privilege of coming into their land with the high, elevating principles and doctrines which will make of their populace a strong, vital group of men, women, and children of courage and loyalty: men and women of great honor and integrity". (Dedicatory Prayer)

The fountain where the group who had gathered that day some 35 years ago was powerful and yet calm. "bless these leaders with wisdom and judgement and faith and integrity, that they themselves may be happy in their lives, that they may also pass to the other millions of people those graces and programs which will make of this a strong nation and a wonderful people". (Dedicatory Prayer)

The changing of the guards took place on the hour. Off to the right, with this building in the back ground, is where President Kimball, Sister Kimball and Brother and Sister Kennedy stood in the opening picture. "We recall the the contributons to science and the arts by so many from this great land. Names of great men and women come to mind such as Nicolaus Copernicus, Madame Curie, Chopin, Paderewski, and many others. Those of us who have come from America owe a great debt of gratitude to Kosciuszko and Pulaski who served with such bravery and distinction in the American Revolution". (Dedicatory Prayer)

As we thought about what happened here on this spot 35 years ago today, this morning we are so grateful and thankful to be even a very small part of this great work. "Wilt thou bless these fathers and mothers in this nation, that they may bring up their children in righteousness, that they may train them aright and bless thy children that they may grow up to be honorable, peaceful, loving parents themselves, so that the generations may bring to thee, their Lord, great satisfaction in the development of the souls of men. Whatsoever city thy servants shall enter and the people of that city receive their testimony, let thy peace, thy salvation, be upon that city and upon thy people, that they may gather out of that city the righteous that they may come forth and desire the blessings of Zion". (Dedicatory Prayer)
We are so blessed to be in Poland. We love these people. This Church is true, and it is living. It is lead by a living prophet who is guided by a living and loving Lord. Because the Lord has His Church again upon the earth, each person can find the truth and the way that will bring happiness and joy. Not just in this life but for eternity.
Another wonderful and memorable day for us in Poland!
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