So a few things about investigators and such. We have a way cool guy to teach named Lukasz. He is 22 and he is a sculptor. He is very inteligent and he read up to 2 Nephi after our first visit! So cool. He came to church on Sunday and He really liked it. He prays at the end of our lessons and he is learning a lot. It's so cool to see him learn. So we have a member here named Josef and his wife isn't a member, so we meet with them once a week. The other day they fed us dinner and he just shared all of his hopes and dreams with us and he said all he wants is the Kingdom of God. He said he knows that is the greatest blessing or dream anyone could ever have. They are wonderful. We hope she will get baptized. So there is also a member here that has been a member for about 20 years or so. She is 85 and she has been through so much. There have been a lot of members come and go and be strong and some that fall away. She has been one of the most solid members here for years. She is so sweet, we love her.
So this week I learned a lot about faith and miracles. I have been reading in Alma and I love to read about Aaron and Ammon and all that they experienced and went through as missionaries. They AMAZE me!!!! I read chapter 26 today and it was just so powerful to me. Sometimes I feel like Ammon, when my heart is just so full of joy and love, I don't know what to do! It's amazing to think that they were so against the church and they were so far off, and after a serious of events, they became some of the most successful instruments in the hands of the Lord in bringing this gospel to people. Thousands and thousands of people. What if Alma and the Sons of Mosiah's families would've given up on them or if they would've turned back (ch.26) because they were depressed and had no success??? So crazy to think about that. What a lesson it was to me. We just have to endure through the tough times because we have no idea what the design of this plan really is. There's so much to it that we don't see. They were amazing missionaries, and still are I'm sure! :)
So my challenge for you this week is to be happy. Just that. Try your hardest to be happy no matter what. Trying to do something, no matter what it is, is always a train reaction. You try, the Lord blesses you, you receive blessings, you become more grateful, you show gratitude, you're humbled, you're then humble and receive more blessings for your humility, and then you're happy because of the blessings you have. Effort goes a lot further than we know sometimes. God knows when we're trying our hardest. We have so much to be happy about :) Just knowing what we know is reason enough to be happy right? :)
Well, one of the funniest meetings I have ever been in was just the other day. Awesome investigators, a lady Grazyna, her friend Maria and her husband mirek. They fed us a little and then their big ol dog came in and tried to get our food. I was having to refrain from laughing as I looked over and saw Sister Bezdjian trying to protect her food from the dog and he jumped up and almost got her in the face! Then he made his way over to me. It was hilarious! Then as Grazyna said the closing prayer, she was so sweet and remembered everything in her prayer. I peeked up and she was just so animated and so grateful for everything in her prayer! She whispered to her friend, "Did I forget anything"?? I was so great! I love them and we sure have a lot of hope for them.
Well, time's about up. This gospel is the greatest source of joy, and I'm so grateful to be a part of this. Thank you all soooooo much for your support. I can't thank you enough for your prayers and friendship throughout my life. The Lord sure knows our needs. Well I hope you all have a great week! Be strong, and remember, Be happy! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Love, Sister Shelby Ostler (Or as the poles say "Oster". Supposedly it's a pretty flower or something)
Yeah...... they are staying together for another transfer...9 more weeks together |
I bet they are standing on a chair.....haha |
Work those Mussels Sister Ostler |
They love the Hawkers....
Family News........
Shelby's sister Ashlee and her family were able
to go to the Sacred Grove in Palmyra NY
What a wonderful place. and the spirit was very strong there. |
Shelby's new niece Kamryn is getting so big |
These 4 miss Aunt Shelby so much..... |
Aunt Trisha, Mom, and Grandma and Grandpa a
day on the lake. One of Shelby's most
favorite things to do. |
Shelby's Sister Kelsee and her cute family. |
A special Aunt and Uncle to Shelby.
Trisha and Troy Rindlisbacher |
Shelby's dad, doing what he loves....water skiing.... |
Shelby's only brother, just moved to Portland Oregon |
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