Starting their first FULL day in the mission field, our new Missionaries had a chance to head to Old Town and do a little contacting. And why not start with the guy who makes the great pierogi they had for lunch. Let's do some missionary work!

Elder Bokinsky and Elder Skolmoski using 'short, bold statements of truth' to stop this man.

Elder Myler with Elders Register and Rittmanic testifying of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and how it changes lives.

Elder Dopp and Elder Jespersen sharing the gospel with this young man while...

Elder Raines and Elder Tanner do the same.

Sisters Mann (on her last day of her mission) and Allen and...

Sisters Sheahan and Howells contacting others to tell them that God has a plan for them..

Our new missionaries with the help of some of our most experienced Elders and Sisters had a wonderful time speaking Polish and helping others find their way to Christ. It was a great day...and these young missionaries are fearless! Sisters Howells, Sheahan, Allen, Mann, McAdams (her last day also), Ostler and Peterson. Elders Myler, Dopp, Register, Skolmoski, Rittmanic, Raines, Jespersen, Bokinsky, Tanner and Gudnason. More great things to come....
While our new arrivals were down on the Rynek, some other important people were arriving at the Mission Home....

Their Trainers! (L toR): Elders Hancock, Siebert, Sorn, Fletcher, Vreeken and Waits with Sisters Bezdjian, Jones and Folsom. It's time to put them together! Elders Jespersen and Vreeken will be serving in.... ...the Kielce Branch....a 2-Elder city that just had a baptism last week....and more to come! Sister Jones will be training Sister Howells in.... Katowice! A city where there are always great people interested in the gospel. Elder Raines will be trained by.... ...Elder Siebert in one of our great Warsaw Branches....Warsaw I. Elder Register... ...will be heading to Lublin where he and his trainer, Elder Hancock will be serving. Sister Folsom will be taking Sister Allen back to ..... ....the beautiful city of Poznan.

Sister Bezdjian will be training Sister Ostler where ....

..they will be serving in the northern-most part of Poland...the Gdansk Branch. The Sisters will be escorted by Elder Skolmoski and....

...his trainer, Elder Sorn as they will also be serving in the Poznan Branch. Elder Waits who is currently serving as a Zone Leader, will take Elder Rittmanic... ...to the southern part of Poland where they also will be serving in the Katowice Branch.

Elder Bokinsky will also be trained by one of our great Zone Leaders, Elder Fletcher.

They will serve together in the Warsaw I Branch.

There you have it! Our new Missionaries are now paired up with their Trainers. (Standing): Elders Sorn, Skolmoski, Vreeken, Jespersen, Raines, Rittmanic, Siebert, Waits, Bokinsky, Hancock, Register, and Fletcher. (Kneeling): Sisters Bezdjian, Howells, Ostler, Jones, Folsom and Allen.

After instruction was given, it was time to sit down to dinner. We have a new face at our table? Wendy just moved over from the states to join her husband, Guy, who has been working here since January. They attend the Warsaw II Branch and live just a few streets from us! Mormon Neighbors! (they have a son serving in the California Santa Rosa Mission under President & Sister Jon Bunker our dear friends from Las Vegas- its a small world in the Church). Not only did we get to meet for the first time, but Wendy was able to meet 18 of our great Missionaries. She graciously stayed for dinner....there is always room for one more!

Having such a large group, we had to set up a table in the living room. No one seemed to mind as long as the food didn't run out!

And it didn't! Sister McGrath has come to help with the transfer. We are holding some desserts that Sister Jensen made to make our 'time in the kitchen' a little shorter. They were delicious...thank you, Sister Jensen, for going above and beyond what was asked of you. AND...Thank you, Sister McGrath, for the hours spent alongside me in the kitchen. It goes much faster having someone to talk to! We have great Senior Missionaries that will do ANYTHING that is needed in the mission....'flexibility' is a definite requirement for serving. They ALL contribute so much....the Reeds, the Sheleys, the Pecks, the Taraseviches, the Jensens and the McGraths...YOU ARE THE BEST! Thanks to you all!

Tonight, the Warsaw Elders are spending the night in their own apartments. So, tomorrow morning, it's 'real life on a mission'.....up at 6:27, exercise for 30 minutes, shower, dress, breakfast, personal study 8 am.........etc. You know the drill! IT'S A GREAT LIFE! (L to R): Elder Myler (Chauffeur), Elders Siebert and Raines (Warsaw I) and Elders Bokinsky and Fletcher (Warsaw I), Elder Basha (Asst. Chauffeur).
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